Signing a memorandum of cooperation between our organization IGA and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and it was signed with Minister Dr. Ahmed Al-Obaidi and the head of the organization

Our meeting with the Governor of Anbar and Dr. Ali Farhan and discussing ways of cooperation between the governorate and our organization IGA

Inviting our organization to attend the Governance Conference sponsored by the International Monetary Fund IFC

Invitation of our organization to the conference of Resolution 1325 issued by the United Nations regarding women

We met with the Princes of the Yazidi sect in our branch in Erbil, and we sought to help the sect because of the psychological and material tragedy that befell it due to terrorism.

A workshop was held on the impact of the Corona pandemic on women and children in Erbil

Distributing a food basket with cash to the displaced families in Erbil due to the civil war

In June 2022, our organization, IGA, the Iraq branch in Baghdad, held a drawing workshop for children on the side of Rusafa and Karkh.

Our organization carried out the activity of teaching Arabic for free to the children of the Arab community in El Cajon, San Diego, in the Arabic language