Donation Campaigns

Where do you work We work in the countries of the Middle East for the segment in need of assistance and out of wars, internal conflicts and natural disasters with displaced families and refugees in the countries of the region, especially such as Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan

Water the thirsty.

  • Middle Eastern countries are being exposed to climate change that is causing rivers to dry up and drinking water to irrigate animals and plants is becoming scarce.

The food basket fills the mouth of the hungry

  • The number of poor and needy families has recently increased due to unemployment, high prices and lack of food.

Your donation saves a child's life

  • Health care is not available in most Middle Eastern countries, especially for children, which has led to an increase in the number of deaths due to the inability of their families to pay money for medicines and treatment or to perform operations, especially cancerous diseases prevalent in Iraq and Iraq. Big

Support business opportunities to live

  • Due to government corruption and lack of social welfare in some countries, it causes a large number of unemployed young people, widowed and divorced women, who do not have a source of livelihood for their children, and our organization IGA supports them through opening small and medium enterprises